Since 06/2021 19 episodes

How to listen to The Language Pig Podcast

You can listen to this Podcast for free on any device or platform you like. The following tips show you how to subscribe to this show and how to increase your Podcast experience.

  • Tap on one of the buttons above to open the Podcast on a platform you like most. It's also possible for you to subscribe to receive updates about new episodes.
  • If you use an iPhone or iPad, just tap on the Apple Podcasts Button to open the Podcast directly within the app.
  • Do you have a Spotify Account? Hit the dedicated button and open the Podcast directly within the app.
  • If you own an Android Device you can either listen on AntennaPod or use the app Pocket Casts.
  • A Tap on RSS-Feed opens the Podcast directly within your web browser. You can then copy the feed URL and add it manually to a Podcast App of your choice.